Do you have a desk that has wires running everywhere? Tired of reaching behind your desk every time you need a cable? Well then here's a very simple project that can be done in minutes!
Materials: medium binder clip
1. clip on a medium binder clip to the back of a desk or other desirable clippable surface
2. flip up the clip's top arm so it's 90 degrees to the desk surface
3. slip your desired cable end into the base of the lifted clip arm, then slide it to rounded arm end
4. set the clip arm back down and enjoy!
The opening should be just right to keep any loose cables such as USB and Ethernet.
If the cable end is too small to stay in the hole, wrapping a rubberband around the head works.
If dealing with a larger desk, a larger clip may be required.
That's the desk cable holder.
Great idea! Hate hunting for cables and have a bunch of clips who need a job.